WL//WH Video Premiere: KAREN VOGT’s Sonic Confession: “I’ve Been Waiting For The Longest Time”


WL//WH is pleased to premiere the evocative video by French filmmaker Cédrick Eymenier for the soul-stirring Ambient title track “I’ve Been Waiting For The Longest Time” off of the eponymous new EP via Italian label Superpang from Paris, France-based, Melbourne-bred vocalist, musician and co-founder of dream pop group HeligolandKaren Vogt.

“I’ve Been Waiting For The Longest Time” EP  was recorded originally as a live improvisation session at Karen‘s home in Paris. Later, she made some edits and added minimal overdubs to the two tracks. Karen plays electric guitar and runs both her guitar and voice through various pedals, effects and loopers

An intoxicating audio-visual mirage fuses Karen Vogt’s deep droning and encompassing aural tones with Cedrick Eymenier’s captivating footage to warm frozen thought forms from the murky coldness of Winter’s fast-approaching moods. Distant ringing tolls ebb and flow with the panning momentum of a slowly erupting volcano to create immersive sentient sensations, swirling and rolling in hypnotic waves along an unfocused horizon, where grey fluffy plumes shapeshift emotions through harsh emerging swathes of seeping searing pain to pierce foggy numb feelings with slowly rising passions of cathartic hope.

Karen Vogt’s “I’ve Been Waiting For The Longest Time” EP is out today, November 18, 2022, in Digital format, via the Italian label Superpang.

Keep up with the artist/label:

KAREN VOGT: | Website | Facebook | Bandcamp | Instagram | YouTube |

SUPERPANG:  | WebsiteBandcamp | Instagram |