Tv Killed The Romance come from Florence, a duo that consists of Justin Jackson and Roberto Palazzi who suggest an alternative new wave blend with a lot of romance in their indie sonic kaleidoscope. ‘Strangers’ is out of their new ‘Connection Lost’ EP released earlier on December 9, and the official video of the song is a retro footage that roots from the old black and white cinema. We found no further details on the footage (which movie, what director etc) but the video is quite funny and so ingeniously meddled in the tempo, the groove and the whole romantic atmosphere of the song. Here it is!
Keep Up With Tv Killed The Romance
Written by Loud Cities Mike
Footage is “Les Glasses Merveilleuses” (1907) by Segundo de Chomón and Ferdinand Zecca. One of the many lovely short films from the early age of cinema.
Not to mention, great tune!
Ciao! I have a far memory of this footage, I recall the ‘Le Spectre Rouge’ by them, I had 2 exams about cinema at University one general and the other about the British Free Cinema, the part about the pioneers of cinema was very superficial though.
To be honest even if Italian, I totally ignored this band, it’s Mike merit their discover.
Thanks for your interest, have a nice weekend!