Renowned for a unique striking and powerful theatrical stage presence, Lyon-based French trio Tisiphone are back last February, after almost a 4 years hiatus since their self/titled debut album in January 2016 on Automate Records, with a new 6-track EP, titled “Koma Forte”, via independent labels Icy Cold Records , Automate Records & Acide Folik.
Within the space of around half an hour, the band push the boundaries of their eclectic and intoxicating experimental post-punk even further, focusing on staggeringly propulsive and detonating rhythms, fueled by blistering abrasive guitars, dense pulsating bassline and impassioned bursting vocals, dragging you along in its dizzying and infectious wake.
Created by Stephane Argillet Stereovoid (of Peine Perdue, La Chatte), the visuals for probably the rawest, most deranged and staggering track of the EP, “Rageux”, have been dropped.
Frantic tight snare beats pulse amid heavy menacing guitar melodies and dysrhythmic hypnotic synth chords, as sassy, rebellious female vocals tease, flaunt and rant tribal chorus, softening to light whispers through a narcotic interlude, permeated with low resonant humming bass vibrations, erupting in an ominously turbulent and dissonant raucous coda.
Metaphorical lyrics foretell of a mystic “kingdom of ashes” enclosed in flesh and blood, ruled by a demonic “firedog” who burns in hell with venomous, slithering snakes.
The vibrant video combines brush stroke lyrics, live performance footage, and animated overlay to form an enigmatic visual accompaniment, bewitched by strange possessed eyes watching through a peephole.
Neon blasts of pink and green blur split-screen candid shots into a demented dance of electrocution, while sketched dog violence explodes, merging fangs to lips, hand to claw, and eye to brow in a bestial transformation set within a snake-handling ritual.
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