WL//WH Video Of The Day: RUIN RUIN “Energy”

WL//WH Video Of The Day  Ruin Ruin

New Wave of the 21st century, Leipzig-based Ruin Ruin combines the lightness of pop with the anger of punk to examine the absurdity of our human condition and the experimentalism of the computer age.

The East German artist has just dropped a DIY video for “Energy”, the second song in a series of singles to be released at monthly intervals.

The first track in the sequence, “London Called”, a homage to The Clash, dropped last month and also came with a video where you can watch Ruin Ruin wearing his ‘beloved collection of cheesy London t-shirts’ against a symbolic backdrop of iconic English imagery.

In its 1 minute and 24 seconds of hustle “Energy”, a propulsive array of marching, clapping and arrhythmic drum programming, under shrieking and droning disruptive synth frequencies, fuels rushed deadpan vocals, rising into an anxious chant, before abruptly disappearing behind the relentless pace of the soundtrack.

In the DIY visuals, Ruin Ruin gets crafty with cutouts and makes a contraption that manually scrolls the lyrics for “Energy.”  Then, underneath a black page with a clear band logo, you will barely see a flow of electronic instrumentation, green computer code, and night-time urban views to sync cleverly with the modern dystopic themes that inspire his music.

Keep up with RUIN RUIN:


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