The precocious young German electronic producer known as Peryl, started to compose music at 5 years old, is a perfect alchemist in wielding and piecing together elements from techno, post-punk and body music to create distinctive, dense, threatening and mesmerising obscure atmospheres.
Clear example of his uncompromising art is “Du & Ich”, taken from his second EP “Lust” via the Parisian Shizophrenia Crew collective, an hypnotic, devastating and lethal EBM banger built on oppressive beats, penetrating, sinuous synths and lacerating vocals that will take you on a foreboding and dystopian journey through the dark future of humankind: no hope, no mercy … just pain.
Check out the vidéo made by Dj Loose, a compelling swirling collage of b&w archival film footage from the industrial and coal mining era.
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