WL//WH Video Of The Day: MIDNIGHT MAGAZINE “Rocky’s In Love”


Perth, Australia witty denizen under the alias of Midnight Magazine, self-proclaimed “Post-Punk creepazoid from the 4th dimension sent back in time to save music”, following last February’s excellent 80s-tinged groovy neon lit EP, “Edge and Face”, resumes a frenzy, swirling and dazzling synth-laden track that had been featured on Soundcloud around 3 years ago.

Rocky In Love” draws from some characters and themes found in the cinematic boxing series, while taking an electrified DIY video stroll through a retro futuristic metropolis.

An exhilarating barrage of anxious, icy-bright synth streams, heart palpitating dance beats, ominous bass vibes, and minimal cutting guitar weaves concoct an intoxicating sea of urgency around the high energy angst of magnetic male vocals, rising and falling in the “Rocky” inspired lyrics.

Night wanderings cast in the neon-lit glow of a lively cityscape merge a plane of existence into a dreamy multi-dimensional slice of life. A mirage of old movie clips blur seamlessly into an exciting twilight exploration, where live performance footage, and alternate red and blue dimensions expand into a shadowy depth defying vision of time, fusing past, present, and future into an intoxicating flow of motion left suspended in collective memory.

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