House of Light is the shape-shifting kaleidoscopic musical constellation of Justin de Vries (voice/guitar), Mark Kinchin (bass), and Chris Hughes (drums), whose multi-national bases in Australia, Berlin, and the US give rise to a groovy video for the mind-expanding new single “Radiate.”
Metaphysical lyrics blend conflicting elements of dark and light into a nihilistic metaphor for a contagious transference of transcendent energy.
The slowly enveloping “Radiate” emits blurry ebbs and flows of glistening guitar strings, rippling surreal pain through submerged droning and squealing effects, cut by steady vibrant rhythms and ringing obsessive melodies, to drown emotional layers of airy breathless anxieties, primal howls, and distorted cries with tumultuous strobe-lit waves of chaos and harmony.
Psychedelic overlays shape-shift an immersive performance into eye-opening dimensions of prismatic reflections. Hypnotic frequencies disintegrate sulking shadows into celestial orbs of radiating hope to lift extraordinary perceptions from the vexing veil of collective deception.
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