Hailing from New York City, Adorns is an up and coming 3-piece band who released their 3-track debut EP titled “Locked Box” on last new years day, with a dark and moody electronic sound that straddles the line between darkwave and post-punk with hints to classic 80’s 4-AD, goth-tinged, dark-ethereal wave.
And it is precisely to the dreamy, murky and spellbinding atmosphere of the latter that refers “Alone”. Slow-pace repetitive drumbeats interwine with subdued eerie bass, awash by droning, hypnotic synth textures, and move forward relentlessy to create a deep sense of mystery and anticipation, puctuated by reverb-infused sparkly guitar melodies that soar and swirl, steeped in simmering melancholy, behind beautiful, alluring, emotional vocals delving into the depths of the pain of longing and the forlorn yearning for a lost love. Drowning in a sea of loneliness, only dreams will not depart.
The immersive and moving accompained one shot music video, filmed in one take at Poconos Palace Resort in a heart shaped pool, over a ghostly, elegiac and haunting atmosphere, perfectly embodied the essence of the song that winds seamlessly through the facial cues and the body movements expressing unease, nostalgia, arousal, passion…and final aching loneliness.
Check out Adorns on the upcoming DATES: