WL//WH Track Of The Day: TWIN TEARS “Break”

Track Of The Day  Twin Tears

Another enigmatic band, an essential requirement for us apparently, this time from North America, judging from the only picture, Twin Tears is specifically a solo DIY project with a lo-fi, minimalist, atmospheric dark sound that delves into greyscale 80s British post-punk desolation and gloom with extensive use of synthesizers.

Now in his third single since last April, Twin Tears‘ sonic palette nails a fine balance amongst swirling chilly synth strings and steadfast hypnotic bass menace and morose, sulphurous vocalizations.

“Break” is suffused with poetic lyrics that dwell in a fantasy of running away, hoping to leave all rotten connections behind to forge a new one.

Shivering lilting tinny cymbal rattles trigger erratic stumbling drum beats, haunted by a prowling, snaky and earnest bass line endlessly pulsing, somber and sinister, on the backdrop, topped by swarming icy bright sprawling synth sweeps ebbing and flowing, as mesmerizing and glittering as they are buzzing, to carry and release aching emotional clout over whispering, subdued baritone longings, dropping angsty fears into a hectic flurry of hostile aggressions.