Hong Kong-based band The Crush draw their inspirations from Cold Wave, Post-punk and Goth Rock sound suggestions, “as the name hints, their music is always digging for the spark of dissonance and imbalance that is buried by their trauma.”
Following last year’s debut 3-track EP “Valentine”, the quartet’s new single “Lurch” nods to the dreamy/gothy decadent aesthetic from the early 80s dark and ethereal wave scene, built around the 4AD label and thereafter inherited by Projekt Records.
Modern dystopic lyrics stew in an alienated obsession where a violent environment of over-surveillance, neglect and abuse takes its toll and infects a lost soul with never-ending thoughts of destruction.
Gloomy and burbling deep bassline and steady drum beats underpin with hypnotic pace a resonant and rippling, hallucinatory tapestry of somberly emotional twinkly guitar echoes, washed by humming and swooshing synth sidereal swellings, hinged on reflective yet angsty vocals, switching amid blurry, detached spoken word fascinations and ghostly layers of whispers and cries, to evoke confusion, sadness, and dread.
Keep up with The Crush:

Photo by @emptylocke