Cochabamba, Bolivia’s multidisciplinary minimal Dark Wave artists and Japanese modern psychosomatic ‘forbidden dance’ Butoh performers, Huascar Rodríguez and Paola Vargas, AKA Retrovisor, return with another dance-themed video by Miguel Valverde and Paola Terán for the cyber-electric new single “Pequena Danza,” a song about escaping into a timeless realm of forbidden dreams.
Swirling alarms contort time and space into alternate nocturnal dimensions of zapping, jolting stimulations, rumbling ominous bass tones, and hypnotic strobing and rolling beats around bewitching female spoken word vocals, whilst bestial barks and breathless shadowy whispers slow into molting reductions, before turning on the high energy transformation of an all-night dancing bliss.
Red filter visions by Miguel Valverde and Paola Terán transform an urban backdrop into an erotic underground scene using suggestive poses, black leather bondage straps, and full-face gas masks to open secret doorways of uninhibited desire. Evocative dancing, costume, and editing capture shifting timelines through a series of depth-defying candid shots where masked performers invite the viewer to peek into an often unseen world of adult nightclub fetish and fantasy.
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photo by Karito López