WL//WH Track Of The Day : PROSPEKT SHMIDTA [Проспект Шмидта] “Tam gde khorosho”

Track Of The Day Prospekt Shmidta


In a week not filled with much excitement, here is a not easy to identify, but both Krzysztof from The Eastern European Synth & Post-Punk Community and me, came to the same conclusion, new band, possibly a duo, from Mogilev, Belarus called Prospekt Shmidta [Проспект Шмидта] with two beautiful tracks infused of sheer energy-drenched, passionate rush of dark post-punk / coldwave moods.

Viscerally gloomy “Tam gde khorosho / Where is good is rich in distinctive poignant and morose melodies, pervaded by uncompromising emotional edge, made of precise, stark drumbeats, hypnotic shimmering guitar chords, smoldering dense bassline building up a deep sense of tension, distrust and unease loaded by wistfully whining icy synth lines cutting through beautifully fiery and defiant vocals resonate with increasing piercing, dramatic and epic intensity brimming with disdain, discordance and despair.

Not less impressive the more energetic and frantic, ‘Утопленник’, the band’s real first single dropped last February, with that deadly spine-tingling Joy Division-esque melodic, rumbling bassline that seeps into your skin… If the group will continue on this path we have not heard the last of them.

Keep up with Prospekt Shmidta :