A constant presence on the blog since the early incarnation as Gaarden, Novosibirsk-based band Lurve [/ ləːv / Love – typically in humorous reference to romantic infatuation] finally are back after their brilliant 2021 debut album with a brand new single “Good Old Days”.
The Siberian group delivers both dreamy and vibrant, as well as enveloping and crystalline Jangly Guitar Pop rife with emotive and melancholic harmonies along with heartfelt reflective lyricism about romance, loss, happiness and despair, often stirred by Post-punk moodiness and noisy Shoegaze distortions.
A thrilling flamboyant sun-kissed pull of bouncy and wandering echoing, chimey guitar melodies, fueled by urgent drum beats and humming basslines, cloaked in bittersweet sentiments of joy, nostalgia and loss from introspective mercurial vocals, alternate wistful somberness with angsty longing into relentless reflections of obsessive summer fun, climaxing in a fuzzy xylophone-charged soaring cacophony, as to engrave, “I will never forget you”, those beautiful times and special loving person forever in the heart.
Keep up with Lurve: