Released over the weekend, “Homesick” is the fourth single, the second of the year, by the New York grungegaze foursome Glimmer, who, while not shying away from their influences, we can easily trace back to Smashing Pumpkins, Hum, Dinosaur Jr, Deftones, MBV and Nothing elements, seamlessly revealing a fine knack for balancing blustery shoegaze distortion and melodic grungey heaviness, in a heady whirlwind of veiled reflective dark melancholy and vibrant droning intensity.
Lyric-wise, the song ruminates in a fearful obsessive headspace wherein lies the life-changing choice to stay or let go.
“Homesick” explores inner turmoil by provoking rippling abrasive guitar riffs through shuffling drum beats and thick humming bass lines, layering claustrophobic turbulent fuzz-laden mists, laced with high-pitched aching wails, interspersed by sparkling wistful ghostly arpeggios, around angsty vocals, frightened to tell the truth about needing to let go.
Keep up with Glimmer: