WL//WH Review: TORTURETEKK “Nightfall” LP

WL//WH Review  TORTURETEKK “Nightfall”

‘Win Your Love’ was the first one to appear from the new album ‘Nightfall’ by UK’s cyber-electro triad of Torturetekk. The team comprises Sean & Jo on music and Lisa J on vocals and lyrics. Torturetekk originally formed as a side project of the iconic electro goth-fetish act Athamay, and the dawn of October 31 saw the brand new lusty dark electro fetish adventures of this peculiar team. It is no secret that everything Athamay is now converted through Torturetekk‘s paraphernalia and their shiny latex fantasies. ‘Nightfall’ LP is not another new album by any other act, it is the material with the proper music to dance away the global lockdown.

Old school style cyber electro music that doesn’t struggle to prove anything to the scene as their members have already won their glories from the ’90s. I really love their fairness in everything they present. They don’t race with others to prove who is the most brilliant electro authentic, they don’t care to impress like that, after all, they are among the last few remaining acts that create this utterly beloved and addictive music, and the second one from their album was ‘Luna’!

They obviously like what they do and this is what they propose to their fans; they take good care of their music that they often present with very nice videos too. Τorturetekk is the victory of electro music over the dancefloors with sweat and a lusty smile. ‘Deliverance’ comes to prove their will, commitment, and obligation to the good old days from the old future!

It is all top-alternative electronic music blended with some precious elements; techno, electro, industrial, and the darkwave wing as a shield in front. Yes, ‘Nightfall’ LP includes music for battles, for cupid, and for sensuality like all is created by the team’s unquestionable hedonism on sexy sounds and lyrics, the cyber-goth game.

You know ‘Sweet Dreams’ by Eurythmics, don’t you? Here is Torturetekk‘s vision on the song!

So, I could write on and on about ‘Nightfall’ LP by Torturetekk but it is not fair to only read my words, get undressed and burn with this amazing new album!!!

Keep Up With Torturetekk:


Written by Loud Cities’ Mike