WL//WH Premiere: HOLY WATER Say Goodbye to “Fear is Love”


photo by Aria Barajas

Holy Water is the Sacramento-based “GothWave” music project of Jacob Desrochers and Hong Kong native Ian Smith, both veterans of the Northern California Punk Hardcore scene in bands such as The Lonely Kings, Pregnant Men, Ways Away, Racquet Club, and more, whose aim for an emotional and spiritual sonic experience layered with honest communication and dark ambience resonates in “Fear Is Love”, the second excerpt lifted from the forthcoming debut album “Tides” due out on  November 15, WL//WH is pleased to premiere.

Saying goodbye to someone you love when you don’t want to is one of the hardest things to do in life. I don’t want to say specifically what the song is about because I’d like the listener to derive their own meaning, however, this is a song for anyone who has ever lost someone that they love.Jacob Desrochers

The duo deliver a vibrant heartfelt melodic blend of 80s-90s Post Punk and New Wave leanings, fueled by driving, high-energy industrial and electronic rhythmic undercurrents.

“Fear Is Love” compels a restless throbbing heartbeat of taut thumping beats and droning bass pulses, to carry an aching soul’s deeply emotional vocals through immersive sways of wistful glistening guitar melodies and sinister icy synths, transforming hopeless pain into lost falling cries.

Holy Water‘s debut LP, “TIDES,” will be released, in Vinyl 12″ & Digital formats, via Sell the Heart Records on November 15th. Available on pre-order through the band’s Bandcamp and the label’s webstore.

Keep up with HOLY WATER: