Holy Reptile is a dark fuzz three-piece hailing from Bristol, UK, that follows last year’s debut EP “Yawl” with a captivating animated video by Lucien Rae McSally for the band’s latest single “Stomach”, a gloomy song about the festering nature of lies, denial, and pretense.
Reworking sonic suggestions from A Place To Bury Strangers, Swervedriver, Jesus & Mary Chain, MBV, Joy Division and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, to name a few, with a strong knack for sad melody, the power trio churns out a quiet-loud emotional-ridden guitar sound that embraces shadowy immersive and reflective Psychedelic expansions, bleak Post-punk undercurrents, hazy Shoegaze textures, and abrasive bursts of feedback.
Somber introspective moods drive obsessive pain-fueled guitar meanderings through a murky grey tunnel of densely vibrating brooding bass lines and light skipping drum beats, amid distant agonized cries and nervous mental obsessions, tumbling helplessly into a noisy chaotic interlude of squealing distorted riffs, before emerging haphazardly into an aching alienation of gloom.
Imaginative, subconscious charcoal visuals by Lucian Rae McSally capture the haunting Psychedelic vibes of the soundtrack by blending transformative chiaroscuros into a living animated reverie of symbolic dreams. Strategic, disjointed flows of motion jolt and elongate abstract visions, shuffling lights and shadows into shapeshifting portals where blurry conceptual suggestions transform perception into insight.
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