Tag: auckland
Video Of The Day Soft Bait After the release of the well-received debut album “Plot Points” in 2022, the New Zealand four piece Post Punk band Soft Bait from …
WL//WH PREMIERE SWALLOW THE RAT Auckland, New Zealand-based Post-punk noiseniks Swallow The Rat, made up of Brian Purington (guitar), Hayden Fritchley (drums), and Stephen Horsley (bass, vocals), are approaching, …
New Music JIM NOTHING Christchurch/Auckland DIY’ers Jim Nothing drop an engaging video for the heart-warming song “Yellow House”, the first single from the band’s upcoming debut album, “In The …
WL//WH New Music EX-PARTNER Ex-Partner is a modular synth producer, performer, and singer-songwriter from Tamaki-Makaurau / Auckland, Aotearoa / New Zealand, who brings an engaging wacky flair to the …
Track Of The Day Lomarðian Maybe some of you will remember The Malchicks, the early/mid-’90s shoegaze band based in Auckland, held in regard as New Zealand’s answer to My Bloody …