WL//WH Video Of The Day: Долина Шума | Dolina Shuma “Время вяжет / Time Knits” (Official Video)

Video Of The Day  Долина Шума / Dolina Shuma

Долина Шума / Dolina Shuma (translated as “Valley of Noise”) is a newcomer Dark Wave/New Wave/Post Punk solo act from Minsk, with the aim to create an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue, reflecting dark and gloomy moods of existence.”

The Belarusian musician follows last November 2023 debut 5-track EP “М​е​н​т​а​л​ь​н​ы​й ш​у​м / Mental Noise” with an Official Video for the new single “Время вяжет / Time Knits.”

A darkly hypnotic dissociative exploration into a deeply introspective, unsettling and eerie headspace through the mesmerizing pulsations and trembling of clank-strewn shifting drum beats, relentlessly bleak loose bass undulations, and insistent icy warped forlorn synth laments slowly swelling over agonized melancholic vocals, fading painfully into a liminal, ghostly existence of eternally buzzing grey mists.

A heady, interpretive video constructs a fascinating realm of symbols and suggestions, invoking striking contrasts between lights and shadows, fire and ice, life and death around a dramatic performance by Dolina Shuma. Lights strobe and trace overlays blur, opening the hidden ‘under the veil’ realm of awake sleeping where people tragically exist in a synthetic mental state of paralysis and non-resistance.

Keep up with Долина Шума / Dolina Shuma: