WL//WH Video Of The Day : VRCVS ‘Come soldati feriti’ (feat. HAVAH)

Video Of The Day




VRCVS is the moniker of the former drummer of the Italian post-hardcore band Fine Before You Came, Filippo Rieder . Last April has been released his very impressive self-titled 10-track debut via the independent To Lose la Track Records, an album that admirably mixes dark electronica, ambient, shoegaze, darkwave and post punk with the help, in every song, by a different friend/artist  from the label community.

‘Come soldati feriti’, featuring on vocals another ex-drummer and darkwave/post punk artist Michele Camorani aka HAVAH, is driven by steady drum machine beats overlapped by waves of cold synth layers and lashes of guitars, while the baritonal, epic, detached voice remains in the background, building a bleak and dystopic atmosphere of an insane world on the brink of collapse, where, desperately searching for a glimmer of light and hope, we’re ‘stumbling around like wounded soldiers’ and ‘at one point we pretended to be alone’


Keep up with the artists:

VRCVS Facebook


Written by Fabrizio Lusso