As time goes by there are few people I totally trust musically speaking, but not only that. One was my mourned Chris T who, a couple of years ago, introduced me, as always, to a young ‘flourishing’, he said, Mexican quartet called Car Crash Sisters, fresh from the release of an new EP entitled ‘The Crystal Garden’ and a compelling cover of Ride‘s ‘Here and Now’ from the ‘Leave Them All Behind – A Tribute To Ride’ compilation on the excellent Sao Paulo’s The Blog That Celebrates Itself blog/label.
At the time I was unaware of groups from that country, beside a compilation of obscure 60’s garage bands and the 90’s Tex-Mex rock’n’roll of L.A.-based of Mexican origin Los Lobos, enough to be persuaded it wasn’t much a r’n’r land.
In the last years we are experiencing an astonishing blossoming of highly exciting Mexican bands, artists, musicians from all sorts of different genres, nearly every week now pops up a new music proposal that worth our attention.
In this fertile and creative musical period fits perfectly well the comeback of Car Crash Sisters with the first single from their forthcoming debut album titled ‘Sundance Sea’.
I was hooked at first listen! The group wisely took all the time they needed in order to perfecting their sound, their songwriting and group cohesion and, judging from this first song, it’s worth waiting for, showing an impressive achievement where all their various early influences, from the noise-rock (Sonic Youth), shoegaze (Ride), the sense of melody derived from their love for power pop and the 60’s, even some post-punk hints in the Cure-like opening, all blending together in an highly addictive personal and mature result, enriched with a particular attention of the vocals parts where for the first time appears the persuasive harmonizing voice of Alma, that send you off to dreamland.
Now’s the time of their long-awaited debut full length, but I have no worries, our friend Chris can’t go wrong!
Keep up with Car Crash Sisters :
Written by Fabrizio Lusso